Aspecting with Archetypes 13-Week Online Course

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Over the course of this extensive 13-week Aspecting with Archetypes, enables us to unconditionally love ourselves, others and life as it is so we can keep our hearts open to receive the gift in everything that arises.

Aspecting is a therapeutic approach that encourages individuals to explore the different parts or aspects of their personality in order to better understand their thoughts, behaviours and emotions. The goal of Aspecting is to resolve internal conflict and promote greater self-awareness, healing and growth. Through this process, people can gain insight into the different aspects of themselves and how they interact with each other in their daily lives.

The concept of Aspects is derived from the idea that the human psyche is composed of multiple selves, each of which represents a different aspect of a person’s personality. These aspects can include anything from the inner child to the critical parent, the playful adventurer to the task-oriented careerist.

By acknowledging and exploring these different aspects, individuals can gain a greater understanding of themselves, their ingrained patterns, and their motivations.

For those who 

  • Seek resolution of internal conflict (i.e. “part of me wants X and part of me doesn’t”)
  • Experience self-sabotage where the brain intends one thing and the body does another
  • Have given their power away to their parents, partners or peers
  • Struggle to integrate their masculine and feminine energies
  • Feel stuck in some area of life, unable to move forward
  • Are living with anxiety or depression and medication is not an option or is not enough 

Where and When?

This online training via Zoom is designed to support you in your everyday life wherever you are in the world. I will teach you the tools you can bring to bear when unexpected emotional reactions arise or addictive behaviours ensue in an attempt to repress emotions.

For this reason, it includes:

  • A 13-week series of Intuitive Group Coaching Calls (90 minutes each) with journaling assignments
  • Bonus: 3 x one-to-one mentoring sessions (60 minutes each) with Nadia at a mutually agreeable time for your Aspecting with Archetypes, to answer any personal questions you may have, or resolve any difficulties you may be experiencing. You will have full access to Nadia’s library of online yoga and self-massage classes for the duration of the 13-week course to practice whenever you like.

There will be an additional time requirement of at least 3.5 hours a week (half an hour per day) doing your Aspecting with Archetypes. There will be journaling assignments each week that may require an average of 1 hour a week. While this will be different for each person, you are encouraged of course to increase the amount of time you dedicate to your practice and journaling to suit your needs.

Why 13 weeks?  Did you know:

  • It takes 28 days to break a habit (such as repressing your emotions)
  • It takes 40 days to install a new one (such as fully processing your feelings)
  • It takes 90 days to achieve proficiency (in a skill you’ve practiced daily such as Aspecting with Archetypes)

It takes the proverbial 10,000 hours for mastery (to be able to do it in flow anytime, anywhere, with anyone).

So 13 weeks is just over 90 days to achieve the proficiency required to move toward mastery of Aspecting with Archetypes, a life skill that will improve all relationships – with self and others – as well as your creativity, productivity and quality of your life’s work in the world.

The Schedule:

Each session will be a weekly group coaching call via Zoom on:

All Thursday nights at 7:30pm – 9pm AEST Sydney/Brisbane Time starting 31st of August up until the final call and course graduation on 23rd of November.

All calls will be recorded and made available if you cannot attend live and you will be able to email or send a voice recording on WhatsApp with any questions you might have about the content covered.

Are there any prerequisites?

You need to be coachable. That means having a growth mindset, not a fixed mindset. Being open to feedback and willing to consider alternative perspectives. It also includes being able to admit when your behaviour is out of integrity with your values or not aligned to the goals you have set for yourself.

N.B. This course is not for anyone who sees themselves as a victim or powerless to life’s circumstances. This course is also not for those who just wants the quick and easy way out. To know yourself as both the creator and the breaker of your patterns is essential to your success in this course.

What’s the Investment?

The cost of the training is $1997 AUD

This price includes 13 weekly coaching calls, 3 private mentoring sessions, and access to Nadia’s library of online yoga classes as well as membership in the private WhatsApp and Facebook groups for accountability support.

The special Single Parent price of $1,497 AUD is valid for all payments received until further notice.

Payment Plans can be made available if needed.

Note: Because of the sessions are recorded, enrollment will be in rolling basis and recordings of any missed sessions will be provided if you book in.

Is there a Guarantee?

There is. I will work with you until Aspecting with Archetypes is working sustainably for you – however long it takes, even after the course finishes. As long as you are continuing to show up and do the inner work while remaining coachable – she will not give up on you.

So if you attend the sessions, complete the assignments and things don’t change significantly, I am happy to help you with Aspecting with Archetypes and provide the level of support you need to follow through – whatever it takes until the practice works for you in the ways that are effective and make you happy.