Inner Child Work Course

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Our childhood experiences and relationships have a profound impact on our lives, shaping our beliefs, behaviours, and emotional patterns.

The inner child is the part of ourselves that holds these experiences, both positive and negative, and often remains unhealed and unacknowledged. This can affect the health and success of our intimate relationships, careers, creativity, and self-esteem.

This series of weekly webinars that each serve as an opportunity to connect with your inner child and begin the process of healing any emotional wounds or limiting beliefs that may be holding you back in your life.

Through a series of group exercises and guided inquiries, you will develop the skills and capabilities to:

  • Inquire deeply to uncover the roots of triggers and self-sabotaging behaviours
  • Create a safe container for oneself and others to reconnect with wounded parts
  • Hold space for charged emotional reactions with the empathy to defuse them
  • Identify emotions arising within you and the unmet needs driving them
  • Process your own emotions through guided visualisation and dialogue
  • Let go of old baggage from the past and release repressed emotions

Be able to hold space for friends and family members when difficult emotions arise

This online course is for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and develop a more loving and accepting relationship with their inner child. No prior experience with inner child work is necessary, and all are welcome.

What is Inner Child Work?

Inner Child Work is a type of therapy or personal growth practice that involves connecting with the wounded or neglected aspects of our childhood selves. This involves exploring and processing the emotions, beliefs, and experiences that may have been suppressed or ignored during our formative years.

The goal of Inner Child Work is to heal any unresolved emotional wounds, negative self-talk, and limiting beliefs that may be holding us back from flourishing in our adult lives. Through this process, we can learn to understand and care for the innocent and wounded part of ourselves, develop a more loving and accepting relationship with ourselves which in turn influences how we relate with others, and improve our overall emotional well-being. Furthermore, we can learn to develop compassion toward others who experience similar emotions or difficulties.

Inner child work can be done through various techniques, such as guided meditations, visualisations, journaling, and creative expression. It can be done alone on self or with the guidance of a therapist or facilitator. The process can be challenging and may bring up difficult emotions, but it can also be incredibly empowering and transformative.

In his book Homecoming, leading inner-child practitioner John Bradshaw wrote, “Three things are striking about Inner Child Workthe Speed with which people change; the Depth of that change; and the Power and Creativity that result.”

There is no easier way to do this than from the comfort of your own home! No need to worry about traffic, the vagaries of public transport or parking. Simply set yourself up at your own desk or lounge on your comfy sofa with a computer, internet connection, pajamas and a cup of tea.

By enrolling in this course, you will be part of a select online pod of like-hearted people led by Nadia Nauss, teacher and tantric life coach. The number of people in the pod will be strictly limited to ensure intimacy, quality coaching and personal attention each week.

What you can expect:

Over the course of this extensive 13-week Inner Child Work training, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing to better understand and love yourself. You will develop the skills to work with difficult emotions and use them as fuel for your inner transformation.

You will receive a workbook that includes background information, a glossary of key terms, a framework to guide the process, example scripts to guide inquiry, journaling prompts for solo practice, and recommended reading and further resources.

As always, Nadia will create a safe and empathetic space where everyone is at choice with respect to their level of participation. She will ensure everyone learns the techniques necessary to self-regulate their emotional responses and integrate processes to experience completion.

After this course you’ll walk away knowing how to:

  • Release inner blocks to feel lighter and freer in your body
  • Enhance connections with self and others with greater intimacy
  • Relate with your emotions in a healthy way instead of repression or self medicating
  • Deepen awareness of needs and desires to create fulfilling experiences
  • Gain insight into the impact of childhood events on current behavior
  • Expand intuition, inner wisdom, and emotional intelligence
  • Increase confidence and courage when processing emotions
  • Strengthen self esteem as well as develop loving self compassion
  • Achieve clarity through mental focus for improved productivity
  • Cultivate deeper emotional connection for enhanced creativity
  • Explore inner child work dynamics to support more loving relationships

You will also be part of a community of other Inner-Child-aware people who are proficient in Inner Child Work with whom you can continue to practice and thus hold space for one another in times of emotional distress. This can be a wonderful addition to your support network and circle of friends because the emotional intimacy and authentic relating that Inner Child Work makes possible is beyond today’s typical social interactions.

Where and When?

This online training via Zoom is designed to support you in your everyday life wherever you are in the world. Nadia will teach you the tools you can bring to bear when unexpected emotional reactions arise or addictive behaviours ensue in an attempt to repress emotions.

For this reason, it includes:

  • A 13-week series of Intuitive Group Coaching Calls (90 minutes each) with journaling assignments
  • 3 x one-to-one mentoring sessions (60 minutes each) with Nadia at a mutually agreeable time to refine your Inner Child Work practice, answer any personal questions you may have, and resolve any difficulties you may be experiencing.
  • BONUS included: you will have full access to Nadia’s library of online yoga and self-massage classes for the duration of the 13-week course to practice whenever you like.

There will be an additional time requirement of at least 3.5 hours a week (half an hour per day) doing your daily Inner Child Work practice. There will be journaling assignments each week that may require an average of 1 hour a week. While this will be different for each person, you are encouraged of course to increase the amount of time you dedicate to your practice and journaling to suit your needs.

Why 13 weeks?  Did you know:

  • It takes 28 days to break a habit (such as repressing your emotions)
  • It takes 40 days to install a new one (such as fully processing your feelings)
  • It takes 90 days to achieve proficiency (in a skill you’ve practiced daily such as Inner Child Work)

It takes the proverbial 10,000 hours for mastery (to be able to do it in flow anytime, anywhere, with anyone).

So 13 weeks is just over 90 days to achieve the proficiency required to move toward mastery of Inner Child Work, a life skill that will improve all relationships – with self and others – as well as your creativity, productivity and quality of your life’s work in the world.

The Schedule:

Each session will be a weekly group coaching call via Zoom on:

Thursday nights at 7:30-9pm AEST Sydney/Brisbane Time up until the final call and course graduation.

All calls will be recorded and made available if you cannot attend live and you will be able to email Nadia or send her a voice recording on WhatsApp with any questions you might have about the content covered.

Are there any prerequisites?

You need to be coachable. That means having a growth mindset, not a fixed mindset. Being open to feedback and willing to consider alternative perspectives. It also includes being able to admit when your behaviour is out of integrity with your values or not aligned to the goals you have set for yourself.

You do not need to already have any experience or relationship with your Inner Child already in place but some experience in embodied practice such as yoga, dance, qigong, tantra, meditation, myofascial release, or physical exercise is recommended.

N.B. This course is not for anyone who sees themselves as a victim or powerless to life’s circumstances. This course is also not for those who just wants the quick and easy way out. To know yourself as both the creator and the breaker of your patterns is essential to your success in this course.

Are there Bonuses?

Most definitely.

Membership in a private WhatsApp community and a members only Facebook group called the Inner Child Work Inner Circle for accountability, encouragement, practice buddies, and resources

Complimentary full access to Nadia’s online classes on yoga and self-massage (downloadable recordings)

What’s the Investment?

The cost of the training is $2497 AUD. This price includes 13 weekly group coaching calls, 3 private mentoring sessions, and access to Nadia’s library of online yoga classes as well as membership in the private WhatsApp and Facebook groups for accountability support.

The special Single Parent price of $1,997 AUD is valid for all payments received in full until 22 June 2023.

Note: Because of the sessions are recorded, enrollment will be in rolling basis and recordings of any missed sessions will be provided if you book in after 30th of March.

Is there a Guarantee?

There is. Nadia will work with you until your Inner Child Work practice is working sustainably for you – however long it takes, even after the course finishes. As long as you are continuing to show up and do the inner work while remaining coachable – she will not give up on you.

So if you attend the sessions, complete the assignments and things don’t change significantly, she is happy to help you troubleshoot your Inner Child Work practice and provide the level of support you need to follow through – whatever it takes until the practice works for you in the ways that are effective and make you happy.

What people are saying about working with Nadia:

“Nadia, it seems effortless for me to bring warmth, excitement, and open-hearted energy into the space and community you are creating. It feels as simple to me as mirroring what you bring, and the offerings you make for us to question and grow with supported encouragement to be brave and face and work on our individual challenges and healing, no matter how difficult or confronting, because the environment you cultivate is the perfect blend of safe while encouraging us to challenge ourselves and explore and grow.

-Rich, Central Coast NSW Australia

“I have completed a number of workshops with Nadia (Taoist Tantric Massage) and it is very evident to me that Nadia is leading by example in living her life’s purpose. Nadia is very aware of everybody in the class, creating a space for authenticity, challenge and safety. She holds space for participants with mixed levels of experience and is able to pitch her gift of relatedness to all. Nadia is very inspiring and is a consummate professional. With gratitude!”

-Louise, Marrickville NSW Australia

“Nadia – yesterday was magical. I experienced so soo much Love when you touched and embraced me it shook and touched me to my core. It was so beautiful I cried. I still cry now whenever I think about the experience that we had. To me it was just pure Love and Union. I wonder if it’s something that you’re meant to receive as a kid from your mother but I never did. Yesterday when I said I felt awakened I meant I felt that something was awakened within me. You opened and roused something within me that was so beautiful and powerful I still am at a loss for words when I try to describe it… I have noticed some big shift in my being, energy, and expression today too… I am sending so much love and gratitude your way too 🤗 I feel so lucky to have met you.”

-Annaki, Bondi, NSW Australia

What are you waiting for? Life is too short to not be living your best life. Make the commitment to you and your Inner Child and start co-creating a better life today with more purpose, deeper intimacy and expansive creativity!

Your Instructor

Nadia Nauss

Why Nadia is so passionate about teaching Inner Child Work?

Nadia is the founder of Sustainable Self Care, a social enterprise empowering people from all walks of life affected by adverse childhood events to progress on their healing journey and find their passion, purpose, and source of sovereignty. Born in Hong Kong and raised in the US, Nadia has practiced various forms of Inner Child Work since 2015 to heal her own developmental trauma which included foster care, adoption, enmeshment, physical abuse, and emotional neglect.

As a Tantric Life Coach who specializes in Inner Child Work, Nadia leverages her own lived experiences, her deeply intuitive approach, and her empathic understanding of the human psyche and soma to tailor tried-and-true self-actualization and healing practices to the needs of each individual. She is also a former US Navy officer, a certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming specializing in Matrix (Timeline) Therapy, and has completed over 1000 hours in trauma-informed yoga facilitation training.