Whether you have no formal massage training and would like to learn conscious touch for intimate relating… or you have completed some Tantric Massage workshops and now want to practice with others … or you are a certified Massage Therapist wanting to meet other like-hearted individuals who love giving and receiving sacred sensual touch … the intention of this meetup is to build community and practice Tantric Massage skills in a group environment.
The genesis of these Monthly Tantric Massage Meetup is a desire to meet a like-hearted community interested in organizing tantric massage swaps/exchanges. These meetups serve as a refresher and reunion for previous participants whilst also catering to those interested in learning Tantric Massage. We also welcome those who have studied tantric massage elsewhere, as well as anyone who has practiced Tantra or attended a temple night and enjoys the group massage experience.
These Monthly Tantric Massage Meetups will be facilitated by Nadia Nauss at the Authentic Living Centre in Darlinghurst, Sydney:
- Saturday 16th December (Sydney)
Each meetup will include the sharing of:
- Icebreakers and tantric eye-gazing to foster new connections that go deeper than small talk
- One breathwork/visualization practice
- One massage technique from the Chinese Taoist Tantric tradition
- Energetic transmission and kundalini activation demonstration
- Lunch break – opportunity to socialize and network with others in the community
- Group Tantric Massage Experience – giving and receiving massage in small groups
- Closing Circle
Lunch will be an opportunity for further connection. You are welcome to either bring your lunch or order takeaway at a nearby cafe/restaurant and bring it back to the venue.
During the event snacks, refreshments, massage oil, and hot towels will be provided.
All expressions of gender, sexuality, age, race, and differently abledness are welcome at this event. We aim to be an inclusive community that transcends visual bias to confer unconditional love to the soul through conscious touch, regardless of body type. However to create a balance of energies, only women may book solo tickets.
If you are a conscious man who would like to be part of this co-creation, you must either invite or be invited by a female friend or partner and book a Friends/Couple Ticket.
Early bookings are advised as other events like this previously sold out prior to the event date – spaces are limited to ensure comfort and ease in the room.
We will begin with a short meditation to create the sacred space and cultivate the grounding, presence, and awareness that are the foundation of Tantra.
After a short round of introductions, we will do some icebreakers, eyegazing, and breathwork visualizations in pairs to get to know each other more deeply.
Then the group will be guided through an experiential exercise with the intention to enhance sensitivity and attunement between givers and receivers.
We will have an opportunity to connect further with other participants when we break for lunch which will be self-catered by bringing takeaway back to the venue to socialize.
After lunch, you will be guided through a moving meditation to form groups of up to 6 participants. There will be a discussion to establish safety through informed boundaries and consent as well as aftercare.
We will all give and receive group tantric massage in free flow for an equal amount of time per person. During this time, tailored guidance and feedback will be offered to address whatever is arising in your group. Each massage will end with aftercare.
We will debrief as a group and close with a sharing circle of what you harvested from your experience.
Q: Will there be nudity?
A: Taoist tantric massage is traditionally received fully unclothed draped with a sarong. However you are always at choice to undress to your level of comfort and some choose to keep underwear on or have the front of your body draped. Full nudity is permitted in the space if desired and consented to with your group.
Q: How sexual is this massage meetup?
This meetup incorporates explanation and demonstration of techniques to awaken sexual energy in the body and if arousal occurs, it is welcomed just like any other emotion that arises in the space. However, there is no requirement to be erotic, especially if it just isn’t how you’re feeling in the moment – it’s just not a problem if it happens to happen.
Q: What if I don’t feel like being erotic/sexual on the day?
A: It’s totally ok – “tantric” doesn’t necessarily mean sexual, it means just showing up authentically feeling however you’re feeling and remain inclusive of whatever is naturally arising. For those feeling depleted or asexual, restorative meditation and heart-centred breathwork will offered as an alternative to re-establish connection with self. This workshop is designed to meet each person where they’re at, with what they’re feeling, needing and wanting in the moment, so many options to modify will be given.
Q: Will I have to do everything in the meetup?
A: You are always at choice – every exercise is merely an offering and alternatives may be requested at any time. You are requested to voice your needs, honor your own boundaries, and only participate at a level and pace that is authentic and appropriate for you.
Q: What do I bring and wear?
A: Please bring a water bottle, 1 bath towel, 1 hand towel and a sarong. If you have specific dietary requirements, you may like to bring your own food or money to purchase food at a nearby cafe/restaurant to ensure your needs will be met. Please wear whatever you feel comfortable in and getting oil on and ensure your fingernails are properly groomed on the day. Massage oil, hot towels, antibacterial wipes, hand sanitizer, and refreshments will be provided.
Q: Can I bring or take substances to help me relax?
A: This is a drug and alcohol free event and you are requested to abstain from substances for at least 48 hours prior to attending to honor the sacredness of this tradition and maintain clarity of intention and awareness.
Facilitated by: Nadia Nauss

Nadia Nauss is the founder of Sustainable Self Care, a social enterprise empowering people from all walks of life affected by adverse childhood events to progress on their healing journey and find their passion, purpose, and source of sovereignty. Born in Hong Kong and raised in the US, Nadia has practiced conscious sexuality since 2011 and is a certified Practitioner of Tantra and Chinese An Mo Tantric Massage with the Sanctuary of Ananda. She has been trained and certified in Lomi Lomi Massage on the Big Island of Hawaii with Harry Uhane Jim as well as with various Heartworks/Kahuna teachers in Australia.
As a Tantric Life Coach who specializes in Inner Child Work for developmental trauma, Nadia leverages her own lived experiences, her deeply intuitive approach, and her empathic understanding of the human psyche and soma to tailor tried-and-true self-actualization and healing practices to the needs of each individual. She is also a former US Navy officer, a certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and has completed over 1000 hours in trauma-informed yoga facilitation training.
For more information please visit www.nadianauss.com
Contact: [email protected]
Saturday 16 December 2023
Authentic Living Centre
Level 2, 113-115 Oxford St Darlinghurst, NSW 2010
Registration at 9:00am for a 9:30am start and 6pm finish
We aim to be a community of diversity and inclusivity that cultivates soul-to-soul connection in the transpersonal space (i.e. relating as spirit beyond the ego personality or physical appearance).
To balance the energies during this experience, only those who are in a female body and open to giving and receiving massage in a group environment with anyone of any gender identity, sexual preference, age, race, or those who are differently-abled can buy single tickets.
For all men or people in male bodies who want to be part of this co-creation but prefer to give and receive massage from a woman, you must invite or be invited by a female attendee and purchase the “Friends Ticket” or come with your partner and get the “Couple Ticket.” Groups of Four can purchase tickets together provided that at least 2 women are in the group.
A limited number of spots may be allocated to single conscious men who have done equivalent massage training or boundaries & consent coaching with Nadia. Please contact Nadia if you feel you’d be eligible for this.
The following Ticket Options are available:
Single Women – For single women and female-identified humans
Couple M+F – A woman and man in a relationship
Friends M+F – A woman and man who are friends
Couple 2 Women – 2 Women in a relationship
Couple LGBTQI+ – LGTBTQI+ Couples other than 2 Women
Solo Ticket (Women Only): $150 for One (Early Bird)
Solo Ticket (Women Only): $200 for One (Regular)
Friends/Couples: $140 each so $280 for Two (Early Bird)
Friends/Couples: $190 each so $380 for Two (Regular)
Enjoy a Full Day of Tantra on Saturday 16 December
Tantric Massage Meetup with Nadia Nauss
Followed by
Tantra Heart: Awaken As Love with Stephanie Ajna
Bundle Deal when you book in for both events:
Use the Coupon Code: TANTRAHEART50 when booking in for Nadia’s Tantric Massage Meetup for $50 off your solo or couples/friends ticket
Then use the Coupon Code LOVE20 for a $20 discount when you book in for Stephanie’s Tantra Heart: Awaken As Love
“Nadia – yesterday was magical. I experienced so soo much Love when you touched and embraced me it shook and touched me to my core. It was so beautiful I cried. I still cry now whenever I think about the experience that we had.
To me it was just pure Love and Union. I wonder if it’s something that you’re meant to receive as a kid from your mother but I never did. Yesterday when I said I felt awakened I meant I felt that something was awakened within me. You opened and roused something within me that was so beautiful and powerful I still am at a loss for words when I try to describe it…
I have noticed some big shift in my being, energy, and expression today too… I am sending so much love and gratitude your way too I feel so lucky to have met you.”
– Annaki N., Bondi NSW Australia
“Thank you for yesterday! It was very transformative experience for me. I can’t even put in words how much happened there for me, in me… I still feel that energy even now. And I have to say that I really felt like a goddess when I was a giver. And I still can’t believe how this event came in the right moment for me. Even the person I ended up doing the massage with. Very very powerful experience
And thank you for being such an amazing guide for us, showing up yourself so raw, vulnerable, sensual, serious but playful too…
I can’t believe how much that day changed me and how much I understand now.”
– Janka H., Sydney NSW Australia
“Nadia, thank you for your courageous leadership. It was certainly a transformative workshop and spirit was present in the room. I am so glad I made the return trip to join you yesterday.”
– Maree M., Kiama NSW
“The tantra workshop has offered lots of different learning curves about where I needed to work on my inner self and Higher Self. I went with no expectations, no limitations, and totally embraced in the whole process of the day. As a result I have learnt to be more intimate with myself and others, and to let go of fear of who I am and who I am becoming … Being love and experiencing unconditional love with myself, letting go of limiting beliefs I once had and now no longer have … Totally loving people as they are in moment to moment, revealing the truth of who they are. And when I finished the workshop on Sunday, I walked out a totally different woman. I learnt so much about how we’re all the same, we all have polarities, we all have the same struggles. I was raised to a different vibration energetically and worked with beautiful people who are strangers but yet we came together as fellow humans to better ourselves. And what a great group it was! The vibe of the entire day was amazing… and Nadia was just the best teacher for that whole day and I am more than highly recommending her for future tantras and massages, as a healer and a mentor!”
– Erika R, Port Stephens NSW Australia
“Nadia has a remarkable talent for holding a professional and safe space which is simultaneously charged with such a Divine energy that I can only describe my lessons with her as somewhat transcendental. Such incredible shifts took place within myself and my relationship with my husband that our lives have certainly been profoundly enhanced. Her talent for going straight to the required point for healing is a truly beautiful and powerful quality. A wonderful teacher, healer and very very wise young woman. Thank you so much Nadia. You’re amazing and I’m grateful.”
— Arwen J., Nelson Bay, NSW Australia
“I would highly recommend Nadia for Tantra teaching. She made me feel very safe and comfortable. Her professional, kind manner alongside a beautiful space that was created allowed me to relax into the practices. I enjoyed feeling energies rise and move throughout my body. Thank you!”
– Sommer W., Potts Point, NSW Australia
“That was seriously the best massage I have ever had!”
— Polly W., Umina Beach NSW Australia
Previous Tantric Monthly Massage Meetups – COMPLETED