1. What is Taoist Tantric Massage?
Taoist tantric massage is a powerful healing full-body massage practice, in which emotional blocks are released and all forms of life force including
– yin (passive energy)
– yang (active energy)
– qi (energy from food/air/movement)
– ching (sexual energy)
– kundalini shakti (primal life force)
are cultivated, circulated, channelled, and regenerated through the bodies of both the giver and the receiver.
It is an embodied practice of applying specific visualisations, breathwork and mantra as you give or receive sensual massage in a moving meditation. This deepens presence by focusing on conscious energy management while responding skillfully to the present moment.
You need not show up feeling any particular way and there certainly is no requirement to feel erotic or sexual. The practice on offer is simply to open nonjudgmentally to what is naturally arising – to focus your attention on flowing your life force energy into an intention of your choosing, whether it be healing, vitality, intimacy or pleasure.
An Mo Tantric Massage
An Mo is a Chinese style of sensual massage from the Taoist White Tigress lineage. This massage is intended to cultivate sexual energy and circulate it throughout the body to facilitate increased vitality, energetic healing, and bliss. This sacred practice has the ability to facilitate full-body multiple orgasms and kundalini awakening without any touching of genitals or yoni/lingam/sacred spot required. An Mo massage can be particularly healing for those with sexual or relational trauma history, difficulty orgasming, or low libido through the experience of safe sensual touch with healthy boundaries and a clean intention. Can also assist with controlling arousal, increasing stamina and “edging.” Can be combined with an Orgasmic Manifestation practice to channel your creative life force energy into manifesting a life you love to live. Only available to women, people in female bodies; or male clients who have done extensive Inner Child Work with Nadia to ensure emotional attunement.
Recommended for:
Adults of any gender wanting the mystical experience of sacred sexual energy that is available from giving and receiving Tantric Touch in a safe space. Healing of sexual trauma via the receiving of safe sexual touch. Such as for men who have been shamed for their sexuality. Such as for women who have had previous experiences of men groping or going too hard and fast – to receive meaningful loving touch.
2. Description
The session often begins with a short meditation to create the sacred space and cultivate the grounding, presence, and awareness that are the foundation of Tantra.
You may then be guided through a Moving Meditation to open the body’s four energy centres to inform your choice of connection.
It is important to be safe through disclosing informed boundaries and consent, sexual health history, and aftercare. You will be taught how to Cultivate Sexual Energy (or Heart Energy if you prefer) and how to circulate this energy through your body to balance the yin of receiving and the yang of giving.
You will be met – and encouraged to meet yourself and your partner – exactly as you are, where you are, with whatever you are experiencing moment to moment. From this place, you will have the opportunity to replenish qi, cultivate sexual energy, circulate it through your body, and as a giver, channel it into the body of another with pure intent. As a receiver you’ll cycle this energy through your body, potentially activating Kundalini Shakti to ascend your central channel through each of your chakras to unite with Shiva, Universal Consciousness – the Divine Union of the Masculine (Yang) and Feminine (Yin) energies.
A wide spectrum of experiences can arise both individually and as the pair you will be working in, including expanded consciousness, increased confidence and attunement, flowstate or trance state, embodied intuition, and cathartic release of repressed emotions for healing and integration. Spontaneous, multiple and/or full-body orgasm even without genital touch is also possible as a by-product of these practices but not necessarily the primary intention.
The practice can be challenging and confronting for some as it may reveal the cause of deep-seated struggles in intimate relationship. Becoming aware of such patterns is the first step toward healing and growth.
Participants are often deeply touched by the feeling of safety and emotional intimacy in the space. Longer-term practitioners commonly experience profound shifts in their connection to self, other and life through mystical experience; as well as increased creativity and the ability to live with sovereignty and self-actualization because you know yourself to be the Source of your own power.
3. Availability
Monthly Meetups, Quarterly Intensive or in-person.
4. How to Book
- Monthly Meetups or Quarterly Intensive – see Upcoming Events
- In-person – book via Nadia’s Calendly